- Innovation Management - イノベーション・マネジメント The cash flow of Reinsurance which flows into Japan in 2010. 2010 (: a million US dollars)

The cash flow of Reinsurance which flows into Japan in 2010.
(: a million US dollars)

12 Tokyo Marine Group Japan : 2,617.2
13 NKSJ Holdings Japan : 2,526.1
21 Toa Re Co. Ltd. Japan : 1,798.7

Total : 6,942.0

※Flow of substantial money after the re-balance (allotment insurance subtraction).
However, themarginofsyndicatesare included.

- Innovation Management - イノベーション・マネジメント The cash flow of Reinsurance which flows into Japan in 2010. 2010 (: a million US dollars)